Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Musical Quest for the Self (Part I)

Life in this world can be a long and hectic journey, but somehow most people seem to believe that there is “something” else out there. Even more, a lot of us have a fervent belief in that there is more to our lives than what we experience in the physical world.

I can accept, for the most part, the everyday occurrences I live. I can feel the cold in the morning when I wake up and get up from bed. I can accept the fact that there are miniscule floating particles of steam carrying around the smell of a fresh batch of coffee. I have no problem dealing the mundane conventionalisms of paying for gas with cash, and now often times with virtual currency packaged in a fancy golden debit card. But then I start questioning what can’t be as easily perceived. Especially when I turned on the radio or play one of my favorite songs and feelings overwhelm my whole being. I have to question what I know, or think I know, when a melody brings a tear to my eyes. I think about the possibilities when glimpses from the past begin to fill my mind when I hear certain tune.

What is happening to me?
What and how are these vibrations touching when they travel trough the air and reach my ears?
Is my soul being touched by these sounds? Is my spirit being elevated by these harmonies?

It would be really difficult to assess and ultimately reach a final conclusion on these questionings, but based on personal experience and the way music has contributed in practically every aspect of a person’s life, I would like to venture the notion that all questions posed have definite answers, that these answers will be different from person to person, and that they are all probably right.

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